- 09/08/2024
With fireball sunsets that fill the sky and the meadows cut back to reveal wildlife treasures once hidden by the long grasses, there’s an unmatched magic to late summer at Elmley.
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Guests of all ages embark with us on our walking tours that from late afternoon to dusk offer the chance to experience some of the most exciting wildlife of this fleeting season.
Elmley’s owls are the source of much delight, with barn owls, little owls and short-eared owls may all make appearances as we walk through the Reserve as the sun goes down. Meanwhile, curious hares, currently having their second round of leverets, greet us almost every evening with their little ones.
Daytime Land Rover tours hold the promise of a different kind of adventure, as we journey out into the wide open space of the Reserve to seek out wading birds at the start of their migration season, resting here as they make their way from the high arctic to the Mediterranean and the west coast of Africa. For example, the Green Sandpiper, who we are starting to see pass through having bred in the forests of the Arctic and Siberia.
Dry days promise afternoons filled with butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies… on wetter days we seek out reptiles, as the slow worms and grass snakes show themselves.
Special species we are able to point out this summer include the tiny blue Dainty Damselfly and the Scarce Emerald Damselfly, beautiful rare species our expert guides can help you find.
Bee enthusiasts will be delighted by the species to be sought out in the sea walls and on the trails to the bird hides with the help of the wildlife team. The majority of the UK’s bumble bees species can be found on the Reserve including the rarer carder bees, such as the Shrill Carder.
Guests staying in the Woodland Bell Tents might be lucky enough to have their own little visitors, as the Purple Hairstreak butterflies that live in the surrounding oaks emerge to encircle the camp kitchen.
The magic continues as our guests sleep, as we set overnight light traps to get exciting insight into which moth species are also visiting us on the Reserve. Interested guests can arrange to join us after breakfast as we embark on an adventure to look at what the traps might hold.
For children there’s the chance to sign up for pond dipping and minibeast bug hunts, as well as beachcombing, an enchanting chance to explore Elmley’s private beach as the tide retreats to a closer look at the seashore creatures, shells and other treasures it leaves behind.
And the adorable watervole never fail to bring joy, and can often be spotted on the water’s edge by the hides, just a tiny bit of patience needed.
But perhaps one of the most captivating summer sights of Elmley requires you to do very little, other than look up. The Swallows and the Sand Martin roost and sit perched on the wires by the farmhouse, building up to spectacular peak numbers in August, greeting you as you arrive on the Reserve and bidding you a fond farewell as you begrudgingly say goodbye.
Enjoy the last of these warm summer days with a stay at Elmley, where you can relax surrounded by the most wonderful beauty of nature, book your escape today.